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Social Media Accounts May Affect Citizenship Applications


Use caution when updating your Facebook status or posting tweets for your followers on Twitter; the federal government may be watching. A recent lawsuit regarding social network surveillance uncovered several documents from the Department of Homeland Security. These documents reveal that the government has been investigating citizenship petitions through social media.

Social media and networking sites provide immigration agents and officials responsible for detecting immigration fraud the opportunity to "observe the daily life of beneficiaries and petitioners who are suspected of fraudulent activities."

As a general rule of thumb, one should always be mindful of what they choose to share on their social media profiles. Whatever you post on the internet can be accessed by anyone and could result in unintended consequences.

If you are seeking to become a U.S. citizen, please contact Brown Immigration Law to schedule a consultation with a Cleveland immigration attorney. We would be happy to review your case and offer you advice on how to move forward.