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Tech Industry Aims to Amend Immigration Bill


Tech industry authorities are aiming to change portions of the current immigration bill undergoing revision in Congress. According to The New York Times, the technology industry as a whole petitioned for an easing of the green card process and an expansion of skilled guest worker visas—and the industry got what it asked for. A portion of the bill suggests issuing 110,000 temporary worker visas annually. Currently, only 65,000 worker visas are issued per year, meaning that the government is willing to issue 45,000 more visas for company benefits. Yet, the bill also included many regulations about how tech companies can hire foreign workers and when it is right for them to lay off an existing American employee. Essentially, companies are not permitted to fire American employees in favor of foreigners who are better suited for the position.

Now, technology executives say the language in the current immigration bill will keep them from using the larger numbers of temporary work permits; the technology companies also stated that the bill may drive them to move more jobs overseas to access talented foreigners. Tech executives say that they don't want federal authorities second-guessing their company hiring decisions. Many individuals are coming forward and asking the government to loosen the regulatory rules concerning foreign worker employment. The proposed immigration legislation allows the Labor Department to regulate their stipulations.

The Silicon Valley Leadership Group proposed a variety of amendments that they say will allow high-tech companies to use visas as intended. With so many regulations currently in place, the companies say they are not able to use guest worker visas practically. The bill also raises minimum wage for guest workers, making it difficult for companies to drive down wages by employing immigrant workers instead of United States residents. The biggest issue that Silicon Valley companies have with the bill is the statement mandating that technological companies need to prove that there is not an equally qualified American to take a job opening at their companies before they hire a foreign temporary worker.

The Silicon Valley Leadership Group claims they already use American workers in their companies. Companies say that if they are not able to utilize H-1B visas, then they may need to assign some technological jobs abroad when they cannot find an American with the needed skill set. Technological enterprises are relying on the influence of Senator Orrin G. Hatch who has already expressed interest in helping them. Unfortunately, many of Hatch's amendments in favor of tech companies have been resisted by politicians. One of Hatch's suggestions involves eliminating federal oversight for hiring purposes. Executives are hoping their voice will be heard when they initiate a "virtual march" headed up by Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg. Businesses say they will bombard Congress with automated messages that discuss the amendments they want.

The Judiciary Committee argues that technological companies should be happy because they have gotten the best bill yet. The draft bill makes it easier for companies to sponsor foreign math and science graduates from U.S. universities for permanent residency, creates a visa program for entrepreneurs, and even allows 110,000 H-1B visas annually. Currently, only 65,000 H-1B visas are issued in the state every year. The bill also provides for more H-1B visas in areas where there is an additional demand for workers.

If you are currently in the United States on a temporary work visa and are running into complications, don't hesitate to hire an Ohio immigration lawyer today. You may need to discuss your situation with the courts, or work through an employment issue with immigration authorities. Attorney Robert Brown is AV® Rated and is willing to tackle complex cases with the care and dedication that they deserve. Call the firm today!
